The first benefit that the student should be taught is their real life experience in their chosen field. Students who take advantage of internship jobs will learn how the workplace functions in their chosen careers and learn first hand what they can expect to find when they enter the job market. This kind of experience is invaluable to students who may find that their experience on the job is not what they expected.
The contacts that the student will make while they are working in these part time jobs are another reason that they are so valuable. The student will make these contacts while they are still in school so that they will be better prepared when they leave school to find their ideal job in their chosen profession. Contacts should not be underestimated when you are trying to break into a new field. Students are often not given jobs because of their lack of experience. A good contact will know the student and remember the work that they had performed during their internship.
Part time jobs are also a great benefit for students who need to earn some money for their school year. A good job that is acquired during the summer is not just a way to gain experience but a way to earn some money. For some students it can mean all the difference in the world when they are trying to pay for school. Working for a college education is a wonderful way for a student to appreciate the value of their education.
The job market is very competitive in some professions. Any experience or edge that a student can obtain with an internship will help them when it is time to look for work. Students who have taken advantage of internships are more likely to find work in their chosen profession after graduation than students who are lacking in experience in finding a job.
Students must learn how to perform in the work environment as well. The student life and work life are very different. There are many issues that come up in the work force that the student will be facing when they leave school. Learning about office politics and appropriate workplace behavior is an important part of a college education.
Working in your field of study is also a better way to reinforce the lessons that you are learning while you are in school. Sometimes the best way to learn how something works is to try it out for your self. Textbooks can teach you the theories behind certain concepts, but nothing is like seeing these theories in action in the workplace. It is important that students understand the importance of internship jobs and why they should have them.