Most companies will offer a student a job during the summer months, so the work can happen full time, instead of the student needing to juggle studies and work at the same time. There are, however, some companies that offer students internships even during the school year so students can divide their time between study and work.
However, an internship can be difficult to obtain unless the student's record is outstanding student. Internships are highly competitive because they hold substantial weight on your resume.
The question then is how to increase your chances of getting an internship? With so many students competing for a limited number of internships, your application for the job needs to be able to catch the attention of the person who is handling the recruitment's.
Keep in mind that the person in charge of the applications is browsing through hundreds of applications from students. If you want your application to be noticed instead of just being transferred from one pile to another, you need to make sure it stands out.
The first thing to do is to know exactly what you want to do in your internship. Then, find out everything you can about the company, industry practices, and then tailor your resume so that you stand out from the crowd of applicants. You can then proceed to adapt your activities in the university college work, such as getting involved in clubs and interest groups. For example, if you are looking to get an internship at a company, then you should join a group of business interests who meet regularly to discuss matters within the company.
These are proactive initiatives that employers like to see in students. Further, an internship has the potential to translate into a full time job. This works well for both, the employer and the student because the student has the opportunity for a full time job while the company saves enormous costs and efforts towards training somebody new and inducting this person into the same job.