College students understand the benefits of summer internship positions and are eager to work for very little or no money for the experience that they can acquire while they are working. Having relevant experience is one of the many job-search problems that graduating college students face, and internships can resolve this problem before they even leave the school.
It also gives students a chance to put into practice some of the information that they are learning while they are still in school. Working in the area that you are studying in school can provide more for your education than anything that is contained in your textbooks or talked about in the classroom. You will have a chance to see the theories and work practices put into use every day of your summer internship.
For example, if you are looking forward to a job in the advertising field, working for a summer in an agency, even if you are just fetching coffee, can provide you with more real world experience than anything you will learn in school. The way that the real world works and the way that it is taught in classrooms can be quite different.
Some of the theories that you will learn in the classroom are difficult to visualize until you see it working on the job. Internships are a great way to see what is meant by many of the theories that you are learning in your text books.
You will also be building contacts while you are working in a summer internship. Getting to know some of the people who are working in your chosen industry will serve you well when it is time to look for a job. Make a good impression on the employers that you are serving your internships with and you will be remembered when you apply for a real paying position. It is a trial run that will offer you the chance to show these employers all your talent and value as an employee for them. This will give you a great competitive edge over other college graduates who are seeking the same positions.
If you are still undecided about whether to take a summer internship, consider the addition to your resume that you will be creating by working in these positions. While the summer is a time to relax from your studies, it is also a time to begin thinking about the day when you will have to work in a job that you have been working toward. It is a wonderful benefit for many college students, and in today's competitive job market, you will need every advantage that you can get. Why not get the jump on your fellow classmates and begin getting on-the-job experience with a summer internship.