If you want to have an internship in education there are a few things that you should do first. The first thing that you need to do is really concentrate on your schooling and make sure that you are doing all that you can to provide yourself with a good education. If there is a certain subject you would like to teach then take as many courses in that subject as you can to gain more knowledge and experience. You need to excel in all your classes to make future employers realize you have a true passion for learning and for teaching.
After you are done with school, there are going to be plenty of chances for you to get school internship jobs. However, there are also lots of ways that you can get internship before you are done with school. Many opportunities may present themselves while you are in school that you would not have the opportunity to do otherwise. Educational internships can also sometimes be completed for credit.
If you have not yet been certified to be a teacher, and you are still interested in educational internship jobs, you should know there may be several you are eligible for. First of all, there are internships available at both public and private schools. You might find an internship with a specific school or you might find one by going through a city or state. Either way, the internship will give you a chance to work in a school and to learn as much as you can about teaching. Make the most out of each opportunity. Provide yourself with opportunities to learn and grow. This is an important aspect of any teaching job. If you gain any experience volunteering it could also help you get a good internship.